Dedicated to bringing you the best rock MIDI you will find on the net.
You won't find the Spice girls or Britney Spears here, just good quality rock songs.
Mayhem's Music & Videos
One of the Biggest and the best Real Audo and Video sites! FULL CD'S From over 100 Bands! Thousands of RA songs
and over 100 Full running Videos and growing every week! "If Im To Loud Your To Old"
Fresh Midis
Over 250 midis which include the latest and most popular.
Also check out Dave Top 10 Midis and don't miss those midi links. Simply ask for more!
XG MIDI UK xg midi files and more
70s + MIDIS site
My Midis section has around 50 excellent rock midis from a variety of bands. I have one of my own compostions on there too.
ELIXIR's MIDI Page for Classical Guitar
High quality MIDI & MP3 sequences for classical guitar.
ELIXIR is prized winner in 1998 & 1999 "Roland MIDI Contest".
Mids R Us.co.uk
Thousands of FREE Quality midi's (9000+)
Huge Heavy Metal/Hard Rock music site!
HIF's Hall of Fame - the rare 70's & 80's MIDI site
1400+ rare and fine selected MIDI's of the 70's & 80's, artist links, search engine and more you'll find here.
If you love this kind of great music - you'll love this download friendly site !
Just For Laughs Midi's
Movies themes,t.v show themes,cartoon themes,and musice groups
Greg's Midi & Tab
This site contains midi backing tracks for guitarists to jam with. The files have no vocal or guitar tracks so you have a virtual back up band in your own room.
The site also contains tabs to match the midi files so you can learn the songs easily.
midispider.com 3400 MIDIS and MIDI search engine
The MIDI Lounge
A large high quality archive of Midi files from the 70's, 80's,90's and
todays latest hits. This site features regular updates and all styles of
music. You can also search through over 1,000,000 MIDI files from here!!!
Eltoro's Midifiles Hi Quality midisongs for free. Most hard- and heavyrock.
David Grund Jr.'s excellent compilation of high-quality MIDI music, spanning various styles.
His superb web page design skills and MIDI experience make 'Grundology' a true masterpiece!
The MetalXchange- Accept No Imitations! Heavy Metal Banner Exchange
MIDI on line
Ascot and Districk Organ society